Grange Beach is a beautiful, sheltered beach located in the city of Adelaide. With plenty of amenities and easy access, this is a great place to spend time with family and friends.
Grange beach is close to city
If you are looking for a beach that is easily accessible from the city and offers plenty in the way of amenities, Grange Beach is a perfect choice. Located at the bottom of Military Road, this popular beach has shark nets to protect bathers from sharks and offers many facilities including toilets, showers, picnic shelters and barbecue areas.
Swimming at Grange Beach is safe due to its shallow waters and calm conditions which makes it ideal for families with young children or people who want to swim but aren’t comfortable with strong waves or currents (like surfers). There are also lifeguards on duty during summer months so you can rest assured that your safety will not be compromised while enjoying yourself here!
When does Grange beach open?
The beach is open from sunrise to sunset. It’s best to arrive early in the morning when it’s quiet, or late at night when you can see stars clearly through your camera lens.
How much does parking cost at Grange Beach South Australia?
Parking costs $20 per hour but there’s no time limit so feel free to stay as long as you’d like! We recommend bringing cash so that way there won’t be any confusion about how much money needs paying before entering the park area which houses all these beautiful things including trees, grasses, flowers etcetera (what was meant here was probably “etcetera”).
Pros & Cons of Grange beach
- The beach is beautiful and has a great view of the ocean.
- There are lots of things to do in the area, including surfing, kayaking, fishing and more.
- It’s a short drive from Adelaide and there are lots of places to eat nearby if you want to go out for dinner or lunch after your day at the beach! Cons: * The water can be quite rough sometimes (especially during stormy weather) so it might not be suitable for young children who aren’t strong swimmers yet – adults should supervise them closely while they’re playing in shallow water near shoreline areas where waves break onto land surface during high tide periods.”
“If you’re looking for a beautiful, family-friendly beach with plenty of amenities, look no further than Grange Beach. With easy access and lots of food options nearby, this is the perfect place to spend an afternoon with friends and family.”
— Rostislav Sikora, Author
Easy access to Grange beach
Grange Beach is a beautiful, sheltered beach located in the city of Adelaide. With plenty of amenities and easy access, this is a great place to spend time with family and friends.
If you are looking for a beach that is easily accessible from the city and offers plenty in the way of amenities, Grange Beach is a perfect choice. Located at the bottom of Military Road, this popular beach has shark nets to protect bathers from sharks and offers many facilities including toilets, showers, picnic shelters and barbecue areas. The shark nets are on Moana beach too.
Swimming at Grange Beach is safe due to its shallow waters and calm conditions which makes it ideal for families with young children or people who want to swim but aren’t comfortable with strong waves or currents (like surfers). There are also lifeguards on duty during summer months so you can rest assured that your safety will not be compromised while enjoying yourself here!
Good location of Grange beach
The beach is located at the bottom of Military Road, offering access by foot, bicycle or by car. Grange Beach is one of South Australia’s most popular beaches with its sandy shores and clear waters.
Grange Beach has been recognised as one of Australia’s top ten beaches by Beach Advisor Travellers’ Choice Awards 2023. A great place to go for a swim or enjoy some time in the sun with family and friends!
There are plenty of free parking spaces available to patrons
Grange Beach is located in South Australia, just south of Adelaide. It’s a great place to visit if you’re looking for free parking and lots of amenities.
The beach has plenty of parking spaces available for patrons, so there’s no need to worry about leaving your car behind as you head out on the sand or into one of their many shops and restaurants.
The beach also offers easy access from the city via bus or train–you can even walk there if you want! There are plenty of picnic areas with benches where families can relax together after spending some time in town doing errands (or just shopping). The playgrounds on either side of this particular area were well-maintained when we visited; they seemed safe enough even though they didn’t have much shade cover over them yet this summer season.
So much different fish is there

Grange Beach is a great place for fishing. There are so many different kinds of fish there, and some of them are poisonous and dangerous! But don’t worry–the friendly ones will let you pet them (if they feel like it).
The ocean is beautiful, and it’s fun to explore. If you’re brave enough, jump off the pier! It’s really high up there, but you’ll fall into the water safely.
Grange Beach is equipped with an entire seafront that includes a playground and picnic areas. It also offers barbecue facilities, so you can enjoy some great food while you’re there!
The beach is making a great spot for swimming, snorkeling, fishing and diving. It’s also close to some great restaurants so you can grab some lunch before heading back to the beach! Or visit Hallett Cove Beach to get some refreshment.
Grange jetty cafe

Grange jetty cafe is a great place to grab a bite to eat. The jetty cafe has a variety of food options and is open during the summer months. It also has great views of the beach, so you can enjoy your meal while watching people swimming or having fun on their boogie boards!
The jetty cafe also has a gift shop that sells lots of different things, including t-shirts and other souvenirs. The gift shop is open year round and is a great place to pick up something for friends or family who visited the beach while you were there.
Grange beach is a great place to spend a day at the beach. The beach itself has plenty of soft sand for sun bathing as well as changing rooms so that you can take a quick rinse after your swim in the sea. There are also showers, toilets and even umbrella’s at your disposal if you need them!
If sports are more your thing then there are plenty of options on offer here too; volleyball courts are set up every morning from 9am until 12pm where locals come together to play some friendly games before heading off into town for lunch or dinner depending on what time they get hungry! Beach soccer is also available during these times but only during summer months (Dec-March). Beach cricket is played throughout spring/summer months while golfers can enjoy their game until October 31st each year when course closes due to low water levels caused by drought conditions over past few years.”
Perfect view from Grange pier

The Grange pier is a great place to watch the sunset. You can see the sea, you can see the beach, and you can even see the jetty from it! The best part about this is that if you walk over to where all those things are happening then your view will change again – so no matter where you stand on that pier there’s always something interesting going on around it!
The pier itself is also a great place to watch the sunset. It’s made of wood and has lots of holes in it, which gives you a great view right through to the sea below. There are also lots of different levels on the pier – so if you want to get closer to the sea then just take some steps down!
Sharks view point
You may be thinking: “The shark nets protect bathers from the rougher waters, so it’s safe for them to swim in.”
Well, you’d be wrong! Sharks are still able to get through the net and into the water. They can do this even if they aren’t interested in eating humans or other animals that swim near them—sharks will bite anything they feel threatened by. Even worse than that is when sharks come up against a human body—they often mistake it for something else (like another fish) and start attacking them! The result will likely be severe injury or death on both sides.
Even though there are no guarantees here, I would still say that going out into these waters with only your wits as protection isn’t too bad an idea overall—just make sure not to get too close when there’s lots of activity around either side of where people are swimming (or surfing).
Grange Beach is one of South Australia’s best-kept secrets
Located just north of Adelaide, Grange Beach is one of South Australia’s best-kept secrets when it comes to beaches. With so much to offer visitors, Grange Beach is one of South Australia’s best-kept secrets when it comes to beaches.
The location is perfect for a day trip from the city or a weekend getaway with family and friends. The facilities are great for families or groups looking for somewhere safe and comfortable where they can relax together while enjoying views of the ocean from their chairs under large trees on white sand beachfronts that stretch into infinity in either direction as far as your eyes can see! More info you can get on Google review.
Grange Beach is a perfect choice for people who want to enjoy the beach without having to travel too far from Adelaide. It offers all of the amenities you need in one place, including parking and changing facilities. The only drawback is that there aren’t many shops or restaurants nearby so make sure that you bring everything with you before heading out here!
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