I am very excited to share my experience at Ngwesaung Beach. It is a beautiful, long beach where you can swim, have fun and relax. This beach has been voted as one of the best beaches in Myanmar (Barma) by Beach Advisor users and bloggers.
Ngwesaung Beach is a long, beautiful white sandy beach
Ngwesaung Beach is a 5km long, very beautiful white sandy beach with extra clean water, located in Ayeyarwady Region (Barma state), about 160 km west of Yangon. It is open from 6 am to 6 pm and has 4 restaurants with traditional Myanmar food and drinks. There are also lifeguards on duty. The beach has good infrastructure including toilets, showers and changing rooms.
The beach itself is nice but nothing special compared to the beaches in Thailand or Bali for example as it doesn’t have many activities apart from swimming and sunbathing. If you want more activities then you should go somewhere else like Ngwe Saung or Ngwe Htat Gyi Beach or Chaung Thar Beach, Ngapali Beach which we will talk about later on in this blog post! In short: we recommend going there if you want some peace & quiet but if you’re looking for adventure then look elsewhere!
What is the beach like?
This is not a long beach. It’s about a mile, which will take you 10-15 minutes to walk. There are some large waves and some smaller ones, but it’s not suitable for surfing and the water is cold enough that swimming in it isn’t fun—you might want to opt for an inner tube instead!
Is it safe?
Yes! The worst that could happen is you get sand in your mouth or on your feet if you aren’t careful when walking along the shoreline. If there are other people around when you’re walking near them, don’t worry about being attacked by sharks or anything like that. Just be aware of what’s going on around you so nothing weird happens (like getting stuck in quicksand).
Is there parking nearby?
There is no official parking lot at Ngwesaung Beach; however, there are plenty of spaces just off the main road where cars can park safely without blocking traffic flow or pedestrians passing by during busy times such as weekends when tourists flock here year-round due to its popularity among locals who like spending time outdoors during summer months before heading back home again after work hours end at 5 PM each evening.
Pros & Cons of Ngwesaung Beach
- The views are great. You’ll have a beautiful view of the beach and Ngwesaung’s fishing boats if you’re lucky.
- There’s one restaurant on the beach that serves basic seafood dishes like rice and curry, as well as beer and cocktails. If you’re feeling adventurous, they also host live music performances at night!
- It’s not exactly private if there are other people around (which there often are). But it still feels very relaxing because there aren’t any loud noises or crowds of people like in other places in Yangon.
“Ngwesaung Beach is a beautiful, long beach. It has been voted as one of the best beaches in Myanmar (Barma). The views are breathtaking and there are many things to do here including swimming, relaxing and playing on the beach.”
— Rostislav Sikora, Author
I love Ngwesaung Beach
When I think of Ngwesaung Beach in Barma, Myanmar, I can’t help but smile. The long strip of white sand with blue waters is a beautiful sight to see. This beach is so serene and peaceful that you’ll find yourself feeling like you’re in heaven. The water is crystal clear and if you look closely enough, there are even small fish swimming around in the shallow water!
I would highly recommend visiting this beach if you’re ever visiting Myanmar or South East Asia as a whole! Also, make sure to try some local foods while at this beach – there will be plenty of vendors selling their goods near the shoreline.
The sea is calm and therefore very suitable for swimming
The water is clear, the sand soft and the water shallow. You can also enjoy a delicious meal at one of the many beachfront restaurants or cafes.
The beach is a great place to relax and swim, but there are also plenty of things to do in the city. The old town has many beautiful buildings and historical sites.More info you can get on Google review.
The water is crystal clear and you can see small fish in the shallow water. At low tide, it’s possible to walk out onto the sand and into the shallows, but don’t go too far out or it will be hard to get back on dry land!
There are lots of hotels on Ngwesaung Beach; most have their own beach or you can use one that is available for public use. There is also a restaurant nearby where you can order drinks and food. It’s a little expensive compared with other places in Myanmar (Barma)
The sand at Ngwesaung Beach is mostly white and soft, giving a nice walking barefoot experience. It’s not too hot or cold on your feet either, which means you can build sandcastles without getting burnt or freezing to death!
The water here is like most ocean beaches: it’s cold but refreshing in the heat of the day. There are also some small rocks that make swimming treacherous if you don’t know how to swim well, so maybe avoid the water if this is your first time swimming in an ocean environment.
It offers stunning views of the mountains on both sides of the beach.
You’ll also be treated to a dazzling view of the mountains on both sides of the beach. The green trees and mist engulfing them create an aesthetic vision that will leave you speechless. Or, perhaps it’s just the sea breeze blowing across your face and cooling off those hot summer days that makes everything look so beautiful. Who knows?
Whatever it may be, the misty mountains are a sight to behold!
Most of the tourists are locals but there are also international tourists as well. They can be seen in the restaurants, hotels and shops. They do not always know about local culture and customs so it is important that you make an effort to understand them and make them feel welcome.
You will find the people of Ngwesaung Beach are very friendly and welcoming towards anyone who visits this beautiful place. If you have any questions about anything then please ask a local or someone who lives here because they will be able to help you out with anything that is needed!
tea cup rock at Ngwesaung Beach

Tea Cup Rock (also known as the “Lotus Blossom Rock”) is a unique rock formation that forms an almost perfect teacup shape. The rock was formed by ancient volcanic lava flows, which were then exposed to thousands of years of erosion.
Tea Cup Rock is located at Ngwesaung Beach, one of the most popular beaches in Barma. It’s just south of Ngwe Saung village and north of Htamanthi town on your way to Mawlamyine (Moulmein).
riding on quad bike at Ngwesaung Beach

Quad bikes are motor vehicles with four wheels, powered by an engine and steered with handlebars. They are used for recreational purposes, such as racing and for utility purposes, such as hauling cargo.
If you love riding on quad bike then Ngwesaung Beach is the right place for you to ride on it because here they provide quad bike rental services at a reasonable price.
crossing point, point where sea meets
A crossing point is a place where sea meets land. Crossing points are also called points where sea meet or points where water and land meet.

Awarded Ngwesaung Beach
Ngwe Saung beach has been awarded by many tourists as one of the best beaches in Myanmar, due to its crystal clear waters, fine white sand and stunning sunset views. During high tide, this spot becomes so crowded that it can be difficult to find your own place on the beach unless you arrive very early in the morning or late at night when most visitors have left for their hotels or other destinations.
However, during low tides there are fewer people here making it easier for visitors to enjoy themselves without worrying about having enough space for themselves!
Overall, Ngwesaung Beach is one of the best beaches in Myanmar. If you want to escape from the hustle and bustle of Yangon, then this is the place for you. It’s not crowded, has a nice view of nature and it’s close enough for a day trip from Yangon (or other places in Barma state).
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